Friday, November 19, 2010

My First Blog

A warm Hello everyone...! Here I am .. all set to write my first blog. While I start writing, I realize a colleague who is also a sweet friend, trying to sneak in and catch the first few lines of what I would say, my blog debut.And alas she wins! and I lose in guarding the mystery surrounding my own flow of thoughts.

Now, coming back to writing what I actually want to write, well, does anyone out there believe in the concept of a strong spiritual connection between us and the people whom we love, a connection that transcends all the physical and material boundaries, a connection that kind of warns us when our people are in trouble and also conveys the message that they are happy by making us experience a sweet emotion, which is strange and unique.

Well, I have experienced that quite a number of times. And I strongly believe that there are somethings that can be understood only by our hearts and not our minds. There are somethings that can never be understood by plain logic.

And if the cosmos has destined some day in far future which can explain the logic behind this, I wish I am still alive to see that day...!!!

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